PSIA Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to

GOAL 1 – Internalize and contextualize concepts and theories (abstract and empirical)

1.1 Recognize and explain concepts and theories
1.2 Question and discuss theories and interpretations
1.3 Draw conclusions from evidence

GOAL 2 – Learn how to conduct analysis

2.1 Organize, filter and synthesize a large body of information
2.2 Dissect a problem into its component parts
2.3 Compare, contrast and differentiate among various events

GOAL 3 – Master subject matter (course topics and materials)

3.1 Recall and tell others of course materials
3.2 Recognize subjects’ studied and the relationship among courses

GOAL 4 – Develop (a) Research, (b) Problem-Solving, (c) Writing, (d) Communication, and (e) Argumentation Skills

4a.1 Apply library acuity
4a.2 Construct and use appropriate research techniques

4b.1 Recognize and formulate political problems
4b.2 Choose appropriate tools for analysis of political problems

4c.1 Clearly organize and prepare papers, reports, and research findings
4c.2 Work in groups
4c.3 Properly cite sources
4c.4 Tailor writing to specific assignments

4d.1 Present to groups
4d.2 Develop and use presentation tools

4e.1 Distinguish different supporting arguments
4e.2 Make reasoned arguments with logical conclusions